Hello, I'm a full-stack developer based in Bangladesh

Sifat Bhuiyan

Digital Creator( Developer / Designer )

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I am a freelance and a full-stack developer based in Dhaka with a passion for building digital services/stuff I want. I have a knack for all things launching products, from planning and designing all the way to solving real-life problems with code. When not online, I love playing guitar and exploring new music.


LanguagesJavascript, Typescript, Python, PHP, C++
WebReact, Nextjs, node, express, REST API, graphql, apollo
DatabasePostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis
ToolsGit, Github, Docker, CI/CD


2000Born in Dhaka , Bangladesh.
2017Stepped foot in computer programming. Had a taste of all the possibilities and got addicted
2018Inrolled for BSc in Computer Science and Engineering
2018 to presentWorking on various projects to improve my skills

I ♥

Art, Music, Playing Guitar, Photography, Astronomy, Machine Learning

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